Mike Flowers Meets Cylob and Orbital - 1999 / Chime Mixes

1999 / Chime Mixes

Mike Flowers Meets Cylob and Orbital

Formats Tracks Price Buy
12" Vinyl Single 4 tracks £7.00


Mike Flowers Meets Cylob and Orbital - 1999 / Chime Mixes

Pretty stupid but highly entertaining 'soundclash' that received some hysterically hostile press, contains two mixes by Cylob plus a mix of Chime by Kris Weston (ex of Orb) and an early foray by Hairy butter.


12" Vinyl Single (LOEP13)
  1. 1999 / Chime (Cylob Vocal Mix)
  2. 1999 / Chime (Cylob Instrumental Mix)
  3. 1999 / Chime (Krisp DoubleU Mix)
  4. 1999 / Chime (Hairy Butter Mix)